George Washington at Rockingham

Meet General George Washington at Rockingham Historic Site in Princeton NJ! David Emerson of History on the Hoof, will be embodying Washington and his early stay in the area, looking back on the trials behind, at the tasks at hand and the impending future of long retirement from public life (or so he thought!). Three main rooms of Rockingham’s historic house will be open. Visitors will be able to “meet” the General and interact with him in an informal setting throughout the day. Accompanying him will be the Life Guard, a group of officers who served as his formal escort, portrayed by members of Historical Military Impressions. There will be outdoor displays of military clothing and equipment and musket firings from time to time. In keeping with the spirit (if not the specifics) of the entertaining the Washingtons did at Rockingham, there will be outdoor pit-hearth cooking and an all-day variety of programming provided by Heart to Hearth Cookery on 18th-century ice cream, or “creamed ice” as Washington described the delicacy he enjoyed.

Free event, but donations are appreciated. There will be refreshments available and the Museum Store will be open.

Learn more about George Washington at Rockingham here!

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